Journeys of transformation don’t come in “one size fits all”

We curate exceptional experiences with your preferences in mind, no matter where you are in your life. It all begins with a craving for inspiration and the motivation that comes with it. Why not harness that energy, fan the flames, and jump into the next chapter in your life with a baggage of wonder, balance and clarity?
BeRouted is your guide to positive change, connection, and the space to gain awe-inspiring insights into the world around you.

Here, you will start the voyage through breathtaking stories, eye-opening discoveries, engaging conversations and fresh perspectives.

What does it mean
to Be Routed?

BeRouted is, most obviously, about travel. An invitation to live in the now. When you journey with us, you’re routed to beautiful and vibrant locations that are handpicked to inspire.
BeRouted is also about coming home to yourself, rooting into your passion.
Every time you travel, you find yourself in different things. Open your eyes to what surrounds you, take in the beauty of new experiences and change the way you look at things; the step into the life you want for yourself.
Come back renewed through the power of travel.
For years, Carine and Sandra have witnessed a need in themselves and others. An urge to explore and open new doors of wonder. A desire to uncover transformational experiences that transcend their day-to-day lives.
And they decided to do something about it!

Meet the original wanderers

Carine, The Passionate

Carine is passionate about exploration; from the outdoors, to new cultures, and horizons. Her belief that we can all create the life we want, her fiery spirit and perpetual child-like amazement with everything new, has led her to live and redefine her life from the inside-out, matching her true calling.

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Carine is a consultant and coach with a focus on leadership, team development, and culture transformation. For the past 20 years, she has drawn on her experience to help others embrace their empowering beliefs, unlock their hidden potential, and lead more meaningful lives.
“My moments of growth and fulfilment have happened every time I stepped out of my comfort zone and was willing to be a little uncomfortable and open myself to the richness life offered. I don’t know how to express it, it’s a feeling that takes hold of your entire being, changing you to the core. It’s a natural drive that transforms you from the inside and empowers you to see your bigger self.”
Carine finds spiritedness in connecting with people and zest in discovering new depths and colors when Scuba diving.
She is fuelled by the desire to ignite passion and spark positive shifts for herself and others. This is what motivates her today to curate this opportunity.

Sandra, The Adventurous

Since her childhood, Sandra was a rebel. Her love for adventure and her insatiable curiosity led her to discover the world around her from different perspectives. At a young age, she started working and traveling the world; her passion for cultures, food, and wine took her to all corners of the world.

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In every new place she visited she connected with locals and built cherished friendships.
Sandra believes in the power of a human-based approach and has become a certified Emotional Intelligence coach and consultant.
She completely shifted her career after 15 years in Hospitality, when she discovered her own AHA moment and found her true purpose.
“There’s this moment when you see the sparkle in people’s eyes and a genuine smile because they felt a shift in their lives. These are the moments I look for, helping others transform their lives into everything they wanted them to be.”
Sandra has been impacted by every person she’s met and every interaction she’s made. Now she wants to curate those experiences so that other people can make sense of their journey, transforming challenging times into channels of personal fulfillment.

When you’re looking for…

…A change from your routine
…Meaningful conversations
…A diverse and inclusive network of people from around the globe, with a shared love for continuous growth and connection
…”Me” time
BeRouted is the place for you to be part of the stories, aspirations, needs, experiences, and vulnerability that inspires you to dream bigger and live better.